The Beauty of Frankincense
Frankincense is precious and wonderful with a sweet and smoky scent. It is an ancient tree found in the deserts of Northern Africa, Southern Arabia and India. Frankincense is also called Olibanum and is an aromatic resin obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia The English word is derived from Old French "franc encens" (meaning high quality incense) and is used often in incense and perfumes. Frankincense is tapped from hardy trees by slashing the bark, which is called striping, which allows the exuded resin to bleed out and harden. These hardened resins are called tears. If you’ve ever seen Frankincense tears they are very beautiful. The color is a variety of yellow shades.
The most interesting aspect is the interesting history behind this resin. The resins have been prized among kings and considered sacred and were considered luxury items used by the wealthy and highly regarded next to gold. The scent when used in incense is great for mediation, prayer and has been used in temples and religious ceremonies. When burned, the smell has been known to clear out negative energy and even used for protection, as it helps in purifying the area it’s being used in. In a time before daily bathing, people would use the sweet smoke from the resins to make themselves smell better. Egyptian women utilized the ash of frankincense for personal use as well as mixing it into their eye shadow. Since the Egyptians it has been used to maintain healthy skin, and prevent the skin from aging and sooth chapped or cracked skin.
Frankincense is often used in combination with myrrh. Myrrh is an aromatic resin and natural gum from the small, thorny tree species of the genus Commiphora. Myrrh has been used throughout history as a perfume, incense and medicine. When mixing Frankincense with Myrrh it has a very protective and clearing energy. Burning the two scents as incense is wonderful and purifying and has a calming, balsamic, sweet fragrance.
Frankincense essential oil can be added into creams and lotions. It has a powerful and healing effect helping to rejuvenate the skin, as it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. If your skin is oily or dry, this aromatic oil can help improve your skin’s tone and texture and is especially wonderful for treating wrinkles. The amazing thing is it even encourages new skin cell growth, which make it especially great for fighting signs of again. Frankincense encourages healing in the skin and is even helpful with blemish prone skin and acne. It can help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, scars and age spots.
Frankincense is very calming and great to use if you have nervous energy, are anxious and need to quiet the mind. It is considered a very spiritual oil and therefore can help you with a spiritual connection, is centering and can help you during times of worry. A great way to enjoy this fragrant oil is when getting a facial, in a spray bottle mixed with water, burning incense, or pour a few drops in a hot, relaxing bath. You could even get a massage and mix Frankincense with Myrrh, Sandalwood, Lavender, Orange, Rose and Ylang Ylang for the ultimate relaxation treat. However you use it, you should honor the sacredness of this beautifully, rich oil.
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